Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Works for me Wednesday - Quick Bathroom Cleaning with Lysol Wipes

I really dislike having to clean my bathrooms - but it something that has to be done.

I decided some time ago that I would tackle the job while it was small and manageable and not a huge chore.

How do I do that?

I keep a container of these in each of my 3 bathrooms.

At least once per day (sometimes only every 2nd day), while I am in each washroom, I grab a wipe and give the counters a quick wipe, straightening stuff on the counter as I go. I use the same wipe on the door knob, then on the toilet lid, the toilet seat, then under the toilet seat and then I toss it in the wastebasket. Some days I take a second wipe to the floor around the toilet (I have a little boy :))

I haven't done a deep cleaning of my bathroom but it is definitely cleaner than it was - and that Works for Me!

For more great tips check out Rocks in my Dryer.


Anonymous said...

I love the idea and I do the same thing. These quick disposable wipes have become a staple in our house. It does make is so easy to just swipe and go!

Beth Wright (P31 OBS Team Member) said...

Amen sister!!!!

Shelby said...

Weren't the invention of those wipes the most clever idea ever? I keep them in my bathrooms and kitchen also. Not only do they help it look clean - but it smells clean too!

mommanator said...

I love em too, so handy- even my grown kids use em! whoever thoght

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