Monday, 27 October 2008

Fall 2008 Giveaway - Handmade Tote Bag


Oh yes it is that time of year again!

It's the Fall 2008 Bloggy Giveaway!

What: The giveaway this time is a handmade (by me) shopping (or library book) tote.

It is 13" wide, 15" deep and the straps are 13" long
(so it fits well over the shoulder)
It is lined with the same fabric.

Close-up of fabric as previous pic doesn't show it well.

Who: This giveaway is open to Canadian & US residents only due to shipping costs.

How: Simply leave me a comment on this post telling me what you are doing (if anything) to save money.

When: Contest open until 10 pm Oct 31st - winner to be chosen and posted by Mon Nov 3rd.

Please remember to either turn your email on in your blog profile, or include you email address in the comment.

You can't win if I can't reach you.

Best of luck and happy Autumn!

For a full list of the HUNDREDS (almost 800 when I last looked!)
of giveaways...pop over to Bloggy Giveaways.


Melody said...

sniff sniff

AhsMom said...

oh, i would love to win a tote bag. we are saving money by staying home. we've dusted off old dvd's and even vhs tapes instead of going to the movies and eating home cooked meals instead of going out to eat.

Kathie said...

i live out side the USA, but would love the chance to win this for my daughter

Anonymous said...

i send off for freebies and use coupons like crazy. that's one way i save money!

Aldara said...

I would love a tote bag! We are trying to save money by eating in more and checking DVD's out from the library

Elizabeth F. said...

I save money by couponing and buying gently used clothes and toys for my 3 kids. Enter me please!

efuson_2000 at yahoo dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

awesome, enter me for sure!
what am i doing to save money? honestly, just trying not to spend much on things that i don't really need. lol


lauren51990 at aol dot com

Re said...

i'm driving less and eating out less. I'm also taking advantage of sale items.

Thanks for a generous giveaway. I hope I'm the lucky winner.

Anonymous said...

My husband, 2 year old, 4 year old and I are walking or biking everywhere! With gas being so expensive it sure helps out. Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy said...

I'm cooking a lot more (a LOT more) is so much cheaper to make all of our meals than to purchase take out or pre-packaged meals, and the kids aren't balking! LOL

thanks for the opportunity!

altermyworld said...

i live in the city so i have many grocery stores near me, i shop the sales. If we did not have to eat we would be rich LOL

malleycc said...

Using coupons, only eating out once a week or less. Eating whats in the cupboards rather than buying fresh...

Anonymous said...

Using coupons, no eating out, using lots more pasta or rice dishes, eating less meat(groan), driving less. Geez, I guess we're doing less of everything.

Jill said...

I use Coupons daily for everything from groceries to car washes. You will be surprised at what you can save even in a month's time!!

Laura said...

I've been "CVSing"

freeshopper said...

Coupons are great. I use them and they save a ton of money!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Angel said...

staying home more

Anonymous said...

Lovely tote. I need it!

I'll tell you what's going on here. It is a sad, sad thing. I am not doing anything to save money because HE is saving it all.
And do you know how? He has decided that I shall never eat out ever again. I have to make 7 dinners a week GASP. I am used to eating out at least twice a week. This is horrible.

I try to spend as much as possible so he thinks that his little plan is failing. LOL.

Linda said...

Lovely totebag! Thanks for the giveaway.
We are saving money by lowering the thermostat, we canceled sat tv service about a year ago, sold an old van, coupons and walgreens freebies, unplug and turn off stuff we aren't using, use redbox free codes instead of renting or going to movies, cooking instead of eating out. We do it all. :)
cokelush at gmail

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

I'm becoming a coupon junkie!

Bebemiqui said...

We're staying home more so that we're not tempted to spend money.

Unknown said...

I save money with coupons and buying things when there on sale!

rebecca said...

We are regular patron of the local library. They have all sorts of books, plus a fabulous media selection.

D Q said...

Great tote bag. Thanks for the giveaway.
We are saving money by buying more store brand items at the grocery store.

momofmhasr said...

Oh if I could save more! We constantly turn off lights, cut out any items that are not needed on our grocery bill, bye bye snack foods. This also helps with weight loss. ;)

Anonymous said...

Selling on ebay has generating a few extra hundred dollars a month.

MamaMay said...

oh that is a lot of stuff!

cloth diapering (start up cost are about 300 to 500 dollars but after that it is really only 10 dollars a month because water comes with the rent...)

coupons with BOGO sales. (I got 89.68 dollars worth of food for 35 dollars 2 days ago! Praise God!)

Finding coupons:
(Shameless blog promotion!)

so that are a few ways I save. lovely tote!


Daintry said...

Since there are three in my family, when I do a baked chicken, I take the remaining chicken and make chicken salad, then I take the carcass and boil it to make soup! It makes one meal into three!

Stacy and Brian's Adventures in Life said...

I've been planning out my weekly menus, going through the freezer and pantry and clipping coupons. So far our grocery bills have been very managable. Thanks for the give-away! Stacy

Unknown said...

Awesome the colors! I've been couponing and stockpiling for years and we always eat at home. But our most recent money-saving change is our "cash only" budget. Once we really took a serious look at our finances, we discovered that we couldn't account for where a LOT of money was going each month. Now every penny is account for and we're spending less but seem to have more!
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

D said...

not eating out as much and LOTS of coupons.

Giulianna said...

Very pretty tote bag. To save money, I am making sure to do budget cooking and we RARELY eat out. We are trying to use fans and throws more to compensate for heat and cold.

joyh82 said...

Very pretty bag, I would love to win it to put books in to carry to the library. Great blog, I will have to look around more ;)

Michelle said...

We are trying to go grocery shopping just once a week instead of a bunch of times a week. We are also cutting back a little but at Christmas time this year.

Carolyn Sharkas said...

Thanks for sharing.

we are trying to eat out less and use coupons more. I also plan my trips instead of just running out to get something.

ceashark at aol dot com

KISSaholic4life said...

We aren't eating out as much as we used to.

Huguette En said...

To save money this year I'm cutting back on Christmas presents. I watch for good deals and something they like without spending a bundle

Lori said...

We're doing just about anything to cut back on expenses! Couponing is at the top of the list! Love this bag!

Barbara Bee said...

I'm walking whenever I can to save money on gas. Thanks for the contest.

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Anonymous said...

Matching coupons with sales.

Unknown said...

I'm saving money by shopping online and using coupon codes plus always trying to find the best retailer when it comes to free shipping! We also use coupons grocery shopping and I'm always making lists so we don't over do anything!

Lovin' the Holidays Festival 2008
Deadline to enter -November 14th
Running: November 15th - January 15th

kristinia at lovingheartmommy dot com

Amity said...

I am using cloth diapers, cloth knapkins, not eating out, making a frugal menu...


Unknown said...

To save money I try hard to buy things that are necessary like food and water :D instead of spending more money on an extra pair of shoes no matter how cute, because with just one pair I'm fine

lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot]com

Genevieve P said...

I dry clothes on a clothes line to save money.
parknj at basicisp dot net

Sarah said...

i am clipping coupons like crazy and not going out to eat as much and cutting out the little "treats" that add up.


decide between a need and a want...I need to eat dinner...I want taco bell but you could save a load by going home browning beef and making tacos for all I am in- thanks- please enter me

Cherie J said...

I am clipping coupons and hubby and I have cutting back on eating out at restaurants and trying to do more fast food instead.


Denice P- doozercries said...

same here it seems as everyone else clipping coupons. going to the market on double days for the coupons. it really helps. just little cutbacks that help a lot. lol plus instead of going out i just pick a movie i haven't seen before on On Demand. Close enough to the real thing!
denice p
doozercries at yahoodot com

Becca said...

I bring my own bags to the grocery store.......we get a discount for each one!

Krysten Lindsay Hager said...

I save money by having movie night at home instead of at the theaters. Now I wonder why I ever wanted to go out & get my feet stuck to a theater floor when I can be on my own couch.

Julie said...

WE don't drive as much, I'm being more diligent about coupons, and I'm trying to cook at home as much as possible.

Lalycairn said...

I've started making menus for the week, shopping once a week for what's on sale, and making stuff from scratch. (better tasting AND better for yoU!)

Thanks for your giveaway. The bag is lovely.

Lalycairn (at)

Anonymous said...

well.... i need to do a lot more but for now i'm using more coupons and cutting back on the shopping trips.

Kristen said...

I just realized how much money we can save by couponing. Its been two weeks and we have already saved over 400 dollars! I also have started making weekly meal plans based off of what is already in the house. sThat way we don't have to rush out and "impulse" buy anything!

Anonymous said...

we're only buying what we NEED to buy. we're only driving when we NEED to drive. we're eating breakfast for dinner because it's so cheap.

and I'm entering giveaway contests! LOL

checkers said...

Well so many thing me and my family do. I dont get the newspaper delivered and have cut back on flushing the toilet and re-use paper towels when possible but these things are just a very small part on how I save.Everything adds up.

Chantelle said...

i have cut my driving by over 50%!!! Awesome Giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Love to see creative people online. Great gift. :) Your tote would make a great bag for the library or shopping.

I save money staying at home, homeschooling, and buying in bulk. TY

Anonymous said...

To save money - coupons for groceries and to eat out. We do not eat out as often as we used to..Thanks for the giveaway. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

Jinxy and Me said...

I am cooking more from scratch, using coupons, doing more veggie meals, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mom on a Coulee said...

I'm trying to save money by doing a monthly menu, packing school lunches and borrowing halloween costumes

judybrittle said...

My husband has been out of work for awhile now and the bills are piling up so now we are just living day to day. So spending money is not even an option. Thank you for the giveaway.
judybrittle at aol dot com

Jodi said...

Not ordering out often, and I have been packing my lunch for work, and the kids lunch for school.


Susan G. said...

I am staying away from Wal-Mart LOL ! Great tote !

9405018--Pat said...

wow! what a great giveaway....we are staying home more and eating out less....thanks Pat H

ahiltz said...

Thanks so much for doing this giveaway for us!

Kathy - mom of many said...

we don't drive as much.
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jeanette J said...

I am trying to buy everything at one store so I don't drive around and use so much gas. (and only going out once a week)

Cindy B.of Montana said...

Love the colors of the fabric bag! To save money we cut the amount that we were spending eating out each month in half and, so far, we've been able to stick to it AND I'm actually starting to enjoy cooking!

Kiy said...

Oh my, I am so glad you showed a close-up of the fabric. It is beyond gorgeous!

To save money we are carefully watching our gas consumption, hubby is riding his bike/taking the bus to work and I am trying to only move the car once (twice tops) per week. I try to get all my errands/appointments done on that one day. I also 'make a loop'. Do you do this? I make a list of everywhere I need to go and then figure my route. No backtracking, no zig-zagging ... a circle, if you will, from our front door to our front door.

We also rarely go out to dinner any more, nor do takeout/delivery. Home cooked meals, healthier and cheaper.

We have also cut back on ALL spending. If we don't need it, really really need it, we don't buy it. No impulse at all, very little 'other' either. Right now, just necessities.

Thanks, and good luck saving money ... it's a jungle out there! :)


Jennifer said...

To save money, we are not eating out, stopped spending money on entertainment and use a lot of coupons.

I hope to win, the lovely bag will be perfect for my knitting.

knittingmomof3 AT gmail Dot com

Kathy said...

We have always been annally frugal and ahevnt changed anything but I keep trying to find thigns to change :)

kathy eller

Tamara said...

We've been trying to save money by growing a bigger garden, making our own laundry detergent and household cleaners and line-drying our clothes for as long as possible!

Nissa said...

I am using the coupon/saving blogs to help me in my shopping trips, always buying on sale & watching out for freebies with purchase. I also craft, so am making some presents myself. Aren't all crafters, though? :)

Your tote is so cute- thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I am unplugging electrical things when not in use. I realized in the night there are 13 little red/green lights on when the item is not in use! It may not be a lot but it has to save some. Besides it makes me feel responsible! Thanks! I love your tote!

Anonymous said...

To keep us on track as far as saving money, I have a grocery budget/limit of $275 a month for a family of 5. That really makes you choose your groceries carefully! Thanks so much!

Heather said...

Homemaking things, growing a garden, buying in bulk, only buying used for clothes and household things, and so many more!

Thanks for the give a way!

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