Friday, 11 April 2008

Frugal Fridays - Getting the last drop!

It has been mentioned several times before but I think it bares repeating.

When your body lotion is getting low - cut the bottle open and you will be surprised to find at least a few more applications inside. I do this with my foundation as well - there was SO much left inside that I couldn't get out before cutting.

After squeezing out the last dregs of toothpaste, I cut the tube open and find another brushing's worth.

Turn your shampoo & conditioner bottles upside down to get the last drops (after you have added a touch of water!)

Add a tablespoon of water to the last of the salad dressing, steak sauce, BBQ sauce bottle - it will be a little thinner than normal but still tasty.

For more easy frugal ideas - head over to Biblical Womanhood!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just started cutting open squeeze bottles of lotion, hair gel, etc. I've often found that there's about two week's more applications inside. I can't believe how much I had been wasting!

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