Monday, 14 December 2009

Monday Morning Randomness

Stuff I Stumbled Upon

Cute baby Animals to make you smile.

Surprised Kitten - more cuteness.

Someone clearly has too much time on their hands!

Fun in the snow

I'd totally be looking for the elevator (I'm not good with heights!)

Some quotes I came across and like:

  • Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
  • My greatest fear is that there is no PMS and this is my personality....
  • What do you call a psychic midget that escaped from prison? A small medium at large.
  • Baseball is wrong. A man with 4 balls cannot walk.
  • Dyslexics Of The World Untie
  • If a man argues in the woods and he is alone- is his wife STILL right ?
Have a Happy Monday!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

GAH must wash my eyes out with acid!

Oh my gosh! I shop at Walmart and I have honestly never seen anything like this!

Warning: You will be disgusted and horrified, but you will NOT be able to stop looking!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Work no work

Last week I thinking about the end of my current contract and looking forward to it. I decided to take the week between Christmas and New Years off, so I called my recruiter to let him know. As I mentioned that the last day of my contract was Dec 31st, he noted that he had it listed as Jan 31st. It seems that this company took so long in renewing my contract that they tacked on an extra month.

Well ok I guess. I really dislike this current job but money is money right. So then I decided to take 2 wks off at Christmas and come back for the full month of January refreshed.

Well I finally had myself resigned to that, and today they go and change things again. They have decided that there really isn't enough work (hello what have I been saying?) and I shouldn't return in January.

So my official last day of this contract is next Friday Dec 18th.

So I am glad to be done with it - but kind of sad because I was looking forward to a month more income.

Oh well. I didn't want to travel in January or February anyhow :) Here's hoping for a new contract that starts March 1st!

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Wow it is December already!

Update below

I didn't post my end of November To Do list update as it hasn't changed since my mid-point update.

Sad I know.

J & I had the day off yesterday - he had an early morning orthodontist appt so we decided to spend the rest of the day Christmas shopping.

DH has just recently bought a new cell phone (I actually gave him money for it for his BD which isn't until Dec 21st) because his old one wasn't Bluetooth capable (we have a new hands-free law here) and the battery was starting to die.

We decided we would activate the old phone as a pay-as-you-go for J.

When I got to the store yesterday to do that, I was told that there would be a $50 activation charge. They recommended I get a new phone for $70 which included the activation and a $20 phone credit. And that new phone would be under warranty, whereas, DH's old would not.

Makes sense. I showed J the phone being offered, he mentioned that he really wanted the one with the slide out keyboard. It was $80, included activation and a $20 phone credit as well. So the phone actually only cost $10.

Oh and it is the exact phone I was/am contemplating getting. It has a slide out keyboard as mentioned, a 1.3 Megapixal camera, Bluetooth capable, speaker phone and an MP3 player.

The Samsung Intensity

He pretty much spent the rest of the day playing with the phone and texting me and his Dad (who was out of town on business). He also logged on to the Internet (ya it does that too!) to look for games. Once he saw the prices he decided not to download any - his couple minutes on the net cost him $1.10. He manged to use up $5 of his $20 yesterday alone.

We later found a plan for $5 where he can send 250 text messages per month and receive text messages for free (you are usually changed 15 cents for each incoming & outgoing text). So now he is down to $10 left but has 250 text messages.

I jokingly told him that now I don't have to buy him any Christmas presents as I just gave him a cell phone, camera and MP3 player. He isn't sure if I am serious or not :)

Today (Saturday) I went and got myself the same phone. :) So much fun.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Medical Tests & Crazy Drs

Warning this will be long and possibly boring :)

I have been having split second, but frequent dizziness for YEARS now. In July I had what I call a "flash" in my head. It didn't hurt but scared the crap out of me. I saw my family Dr who referred me to a neurologist.

I saw the neurologist in Oct. This guy was weird. He spoke to me with his eyes closed and wore socks with Berkinstocks.

He told me I had a "weird" brain. I asked if that was his official diagnosis? He said it was weird because my episodes were so short or only happened once. Don't strokes and heart attacks only have to happen once? He sent me for several tests.

A couple of weeks ago I had an Evoked Potential test. I believe this is to test the pathways from the brain to various nerves. I had electrodes placed on my head, arms, legs and back. I then had a little electric shock thingy placed first on each ankle, then each wrist. It sent little electric pulses into the nerves until my toes (thumbs) started moving. It was painless but took about an hour.

On Monday of this week I had an EEG done. When I got there the nurse started parting my hair and marking my scalp where the electrodes would go. It was actually quite relaxing. Once the electrodes were placed (about 20) with a large amount of adhesive, I had to lie down and be still.

She had me close my eyes for most of it. A couple times I found myself drifting off. Then she would have me open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. Then my arm went to sleep and I tried not to move.

Next I was told to breathe rapidly for 3 minutes. She said I may feel dizzy or lightheaded, but not to stop. Great more dizziness, just what I need.

The last part of the test, she had me close my eyes and flashed strobe lights at me - just a bleep ... bleep at first, then a faster bleep, bleep, bleep then finally a seizure-inducing bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep!!!

I was lying down for about 20 minutes. She had me sit up - "careful, you may be dizzy". Ya think?!

Then she started removing all the electrodes and finally said ok you can go. I stand up and look in the conveniently placed mirror and gasp! My hair is going in more directions than I can count! Good thing I remembered my comb - not that it helped much with the amount of adhesive I had in there. She told me to wash it out sooner rather than later as it would harden - great. I called DH to come pick my up ASAP and tried not to be to conspicuous as I waited for him.

This morning, I had an MRI. An MRI is a tube that they stuff you in. Did I mention I am a tad claustrophobic? No? Well I am!

I got there early and they took me right in. I had to disrobe all but my underwear & socks and put on a gown. I was then taken to the machine - had to lie down, place my head in the little formed pillow. I asked for a cloth to cover my eyes so that I wouldn't inadvertently open my eyes and see how close the walls of the tube were.

The gave me headphones to muffle the sound. And then they placed the cage thingy over my head - I didn't actually see this until I left, just felt them snap it in place. They also gave me a pillow for under my knees. It was pretty comfortable. Oh they also give you a panic button, in case you need to contact them - I'm not sure if that made me feel better or not.

Then they moved me into the tube. My hands were resting on my chest, my elbows skimmed the walls of the MRI freaking me out a bit. Then the noise started.

Think of the most obnoxious sounds you can imagine and then amplify them until it is unbearable. I think there were about 7 different sounds. My body started to vibrate, either from nerves or from the sound pulses.

In situations like this I usually count or talk to myself inside my head to make myself calm down. I was unable to focus on my own thoughts, the noise was so loud. I repeatedly tried to count. The last burst of noise came from the top and the bottom and made the table vibrate and scared the bejeezus outta me!

Finally it was over and the table was moving out of the tube. I was in the MRI for a total of 10 minutes. They removed the cage and the cloth and I was able to sit up and then go get dressed. I was actually finished before my scheduled appt at 8:30am.

I finally stopped vibrating about an hour later. While not quite as horrible as I had imagined, I hope to never need an MRI again.

Now my follow-up appt with the "weird brain" Dr isn't until Dec 30th, but I guess if they actually find something they would contact me earlier - at least I would think they would.

If you have read this far, thanks for your patience :)

Below this post is a video of one of the MRI sounds (I couldn't figure out how to add it to this post). Turn the volume of your speakers WAY up and it may be close to the real thing :) Enjoy!

What does an MRI scan sound like?

Monday, 23 November 2009

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been my father's 80th birthday.

He has been gone for 15 yrs. I still miss him so much.

You can read more about my Dad here.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Do you know what ATCs are?

Nope neither did I. ATC stands for Artist Trading Cards. It is kind of like artist business cards. Well at least that is how it started. Now it is just a new hobby/art form. People are making and trading these like crazy.

ATC are to be traded or given away, never sold.

I recently joined Swap-Bot, an online swap forum for swapping stuff. I have done a few sewing type swaps at Down To Earth and really enjoyed them.

For those who haven't done swaps before, you are assigned a project (make a tea towel, a pin cushion etc...), and then assigned at least one partner (sometimes more depending on what you are making) and then you make that item, mail to your partner and they do the same for you.

Swap Bot even has email swaps and Christmas card swaps - what a great way to get more Christmas cards! :)

At Swap Bot, I noticed a lot of the swaps were for ATCs, which I had not heard of before. They have swaps for ATC with themes such as Christmas trees, Rainbows or pretty much anything else you can think of.

As I researched ATCs more, I decided to make some of my own. Wow these really are addictive!

The must be 2.5/3.5 inches in size, the traditional trading card size, but other than that the sky is the limit - do what you want with them. If you are a photogragher, you can simply use your photos as ATC.

As the are so small, they are relatively fast to whip up.

I completed 5 last night and have another 3 started.

As of yet I do not have anyone to trade these with, so if any of you would like any of these shown, send me an email and I will send it to you. If you feel like creating ATCs of your own, send me one back, but that isn't necessary.

These were created with watercolour and scrapbook supplies.

(Sorry for the crappy photos, a photographer, I am not.)

ATC Time
ATC Live Laugh Love

ATC Summer
ATC Spring
ATC Fall
These are the unfinished ones

The back of the ATC - it says original, because
you can also make multiples (silk screened, photography)
and have them numbered.
Also if you were a real artist with stuff to sell,
you could also add your website or Etsy shop URL.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Nov To Do List - Mid Point

What I have accomplished to date - I still haven't done most of the old stuff...blah.
  • Put all clean clothes away - we have a blanket box somewhere under the mound of clean clothes in our bedroom. Stuffing it all in the closet counts as putting it away right?
  • Do a pantry & freezer inventory
  • Plan meals on what I have in the freezer & pantry
  • Rip all plants out of garden - started
  • Work as many hours as possible (even if it is boring and there is nothing to do) money is money!
  • Deep clean ensuite bath - it really needs it but as I am the only one who uses it, it is easy to put off. Well it's semi-clean - had window guy come to measure window that needs replacing so had to clean somewhat.
  • Clean office - getting very cluttered
  • Finish Bright Hope quilt blocks (fabric to be cut and then pieced - 8 blocks)
  • Finish sewing rag quilt and clip fringe
  • Bake banana muffins to use up dead bananas in freezer (I think they are multiplying)
  • Look into hiring a cleaner to come in once a week to do bathrooms and floors
  • Book dentist appt for J
  • Book ortho xrays for J
  • Book cleaning with dentist for me (Urgh!)
  • Book haircut
  • Get quotes to replace 2 windows
  • Clean out hall closet and freecycle what we don't need
  • Get K to vacuum out old furniture so friends can come take it for their basement (and get it out of my house!)
  • Lose 5lbs
  • Attempt pumpkin pie from scratch with J
New to list
  • Work on J's striped crocheted blanket
  • Buy new low-heeled dress boots for winter. Also bought new black pumps and heeled full shoes.
  • Design baby quilt
  • Start baby quit (kind of early)
  • Mail Tree Decoration Swap to partner (once I find out who it is) by Nov 12th
  • Find & buy new foundation that doesn't make me break out. Also bought concealer, powder, foundation brush and tinted lip moisturizer.
  • Plan Christmas cookie baking - bake ahead & freeze what I can (any suggestions?)
  • Start Christmas shopping - got gift cards for all kids other than my son. Got son several gifts too.
  • Process 2 remaining pumpkins into pumpkin puree & roasted seeds

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Found a fun site

It Made My Day

Some favorites so far :

A septic tank pump truck just drove by my house with a sign on the side that said, “Yesterday’s meals on wheels!”

My 12 year old daughter ran up to me with her iPod. She put one earbud in each nostril, cranked up some tunes and the music came out of her mouth. Then she opened and shut her mouth making it seem like the music was going on and off.
(Now how many of you are gonna try this? :))

I went through a McDonald’s drive thru and said “I can has cheeseburger?” There was a pause before I heard “Nom Nom Nom” on the other end.

I was walking my dog when a purse snatcher ran past me and stole the poop bag.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Here's hoping this week is better than the last couple

On Nov 2nd J got into an altercation with a boy on the school yard. The boy said something rude, J said said something rude back, the boy started pushing J so J's friend jumped in and beat the boy up. Sheeesh.

All 3 got a one day suspension on Wednesday.

Tuesday on the way home, J gets off the bus - another boy (not related to previous incident) calls him and when he looks back, the boy squirts hand sanitizer into J's face - getting it in his left eye.
J runs home and washes off what he can and calls me screaming that it hurts - I am on the train at this time. I tell him to keep rinsing it and we will be home asap.

Get DH to leave work early and pick me up - get home to check it out. It seems better but still burns. We manage to get a late Dr appt.

Dr says he can't see much and that we should go to optometrist. Make appt for next evening as that is the soonest they have.

Optometrist says the cornea is scratched from the rubbing J keeps doing. Gives us eyes drops to use 5 times per day.

The school was notified the morning after this happened. The boy who did it was given recess & lunch time detentions only. J, like the rest of us, was dissatisfied with the punishment the boy received, so he set out to get him back. He made up a story about the boy and was caught lying. Yet another phone call from school. He had to write a letter of apology.

Then on Thursday of last week I get ANOTHER call from school. During gym class J hurt his finger. I get home to check it out. It is badly bruised and he can't move it.

I decide to take him to emergency to have it checked. Problem is DH has J's health card and he is gone hunting. Good thing it is almost nightfall. I call DH to come home.

I take J to emergency and luckily, it is not the zoo I expected it to be. We got there at 6:30pm and left at 7:45pm. His finger was x-rayed - it is not broken thank god.

Later that night, J and I got into an argument. He is at the age where he knows everything and will NOT let things be. He kept instigating more arguments until I had had enough and sent him to his room for the night and took away his Xbox for the next decade.

I had a horrible night's sleep and getting up at 5am was one of the hardest things I had to do. I had to talk myself into going to work, but I had 2 meetings scheduled in the afternoon.

One meeting ended up being canceled and the other one lasted only 5 minutes because the guy had double booked.

Due to a stomach bug that started yesterday, I am working from home today and so far at 3pm, I haven't received any calls from school - but there are still 40 minutes left.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Works For Me Wednesday - Holiday Tip

This weeks WFMW theme is Holiday/Entertaining/Celebration Tips.

In Canada we have already had our Thanksgiving, so our next holiday is Christmas.

One thing I have done in the past and regretted is when I have a crowd of people over during the holidays and I end up being stuck in the kitchen making food the entire time.

We tend to do a large assortment of finger type foods for these events since we really don't have the room for a large sit down dinner. And since only so much will fit in the oven at any one time, I tend to be in there awhile.

This year I am going to premake as much as possible before the party. I will aim for more food that doesn't require cooking, such as veggies & dips and crackers & cheese.

As for things like meatballs and chicken wings that keep me occupied in the kitchen while others are chatting, I will instead make these a little before the party and simply keep them warm in the oven or crockpot.

I'm going to enjoy my guests and not feel so rushed!

For more WFMW holiday tips, pop over to We Are That Family.

Monday, 2 November 2009

November To Do List

Much of this is carried over from last month - oh well.
  • Put all clean clothes away - we have a blanket box somewhere under the mound of clean clothes in our bedroom.
  • Do a pantry & freezer inventory
  • Plan meals on what I have in the freezer & pantry
  • Rip all plants out of garden - started
  • Work as many hours as possible (even if it is boring and there is nothing to do) money is money!
  • Deep clean ensuite bath - it really needs it but as I am the only one who uses it, it is easy to put off.
  • Clean office - getting very cluttered
  • Finish Bright Hope quilt blocks (fabric to be cut and then pieced - 8 blocks)
  • Finish sewing rag quilt and clip fringe
  • Bake banana muffins to use up dead bananas in freezer (I think they are multiplying)
  • Look into hiring a cleaner to come in once a week to do bathrooms and floors
  • Book dentist appt for J
  • Book ortho xrays for J
  • Book cleaning with dentist for me (Urgh!)
  • Book haircut
  • Get quotes to replace 2 windows
  • Clean out hall closet and freecycle what we don't need
  • Get K to vacuum out old furniture so friends can come take it for their basement (and get it out of my house!)
  • Lose 5lbs
  • Attempt pumpkin pie from scratch with J
New to list
  • Work on J's striped crocheted blanket
  • Buy new low-heeled dress boots for winter
  • Design baby quilt
  • Start baby quit (kind of early)
  • Mail Tree Decoration Swap to partner (once I find out who it is) by Nov 12th
  • Find & buy new foundation that doesn't make me break out
  • Plan Christmas cookie baking - bake ahead & freeze what I can (any suggestions?)
  • Start Christmas shopping
  • Process 2 remaining pumpkins into pumpkin puree & roasted seeds

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Oct To Do List - Final Results

In addition to what I previously completed, newly completed tasks are in yellow below.
  • Put all clean clothes away - we have a blanket box somewhere under the mound of clean clothes in our bedroom.
  • Do a pantry & freezer inventory
  • Plan meals on what I have in the freezer & pantry started
  • Rip all plants out of garden - started
  • Buy J a new winter coat & hat
  • Buy J new soccer shoes
  • Buy J some long sleeved shirts, sports pants & long johns
  • Work as many hours as possible (even if it is boring and there is nothing to do) money is money! This didn't happen between the kid & I being sick.
  • Deep clean ensuite bath - it really needs it but as I am the only one who uses it, it is easy to put off.
  • Clean office - getting very cluttered
  • Finish Bright Hope quilt blocks (fabric to be cut and then pieced - 8 blocks)
  • Buy sashing, binding & backing fabric for Bright Hope quilt
  • Finish sewing rag quilt and clip fringe
  • Bake banana muffins to use up dead bananas in freezer (I think they are multiplying)
  • Make chili and freeze for lunches
  • Make taco lentils & rice and freeze for lunches
  • Look into hiring a cleaner to come in once a week to do bathrooms and floors
  • Book dentist appt for J
  • Book ortho xrays for J
  • Book cleaning with dentist for me (Urgh!)
  • Book haircut & brow waxing (before they merge!)
  • Get quotes to replace 2 windows
  • Clean out hall closet and freecycle what we don't need
  • Post J's outgrown clothes on freecycle
  • Get K to vacuum out old furniture so friends can come take it for their basement (and get it out of my house!)
  • Finish crocheting striped blanket and tuck in all colour-change ends
  • Lose 5lbs (not even close!)
  • Attempt pumpkin pie from scratch with J
  • Change sheets to flannel
So it looks like many of these items will get moved to the November To Do List :D

Friday, 30 October 2009

Chicken Breast overload

Ok so a couple weeks ago there was a fantastic sale on boneless skinless chicken breasts and I bought a TON.

So now I am bored with chicken breasts. We usually just grill them, saute them or add them to curry or alfredo.

I seriously need some great ideas what to do with these things. Any suggestions are welcome.

Any one try making their own ground chicken in a food processor? Think that would work? I am thinking maybe chicken burgers or chicken meatballs that way.

Photo Updates

I had promised a few photos previously.

Our new sofa. We also got a loveseat.

A close up of the pattern.

My striped crocheted blanket - finally finished.

The blanket I started for J once he stole mine - still quite a ways to go.

I made Peanut a pillow for her crate out of an old flannel sheet.
I think she likes it.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Weekly Update

I know I haven't been around much and I apologize. I have just been slackin off - not super busy or anything.

J has decided to go out as a zombie again this Halloween due to lack of imagination :D We bought 4 pumpkins for the front steps but have yet to carve any of them - I have to get to that so that I don't have all of them to do on Saturday at the last minute. I am thinking I may just cook one up for pumpkin puree for the freezer and carve the other 3. I am looking forward to making roasted pumpkins seeds. I LOVE pumpkin seeds.

I am going to be a great-aunt yet again! My oldest nephew and his wife are expecting their first child. I guess I have to start planning another baby quilt. I don't know if I will make it out of the flannel that I used for all the others (not enough left, would have to buy more) or use the fabric my mother in-law recently gave me, it is cotton in all primary colours and a huge chunk of a hot air ballon print in the same colours. Probably the cotton.

The new work project is off to a very slow start. Already bored but draggin myself to work so that I get paid.

A friend from my teenage years, that I recently reconnected with on Facebook, was in town to see family last week (from New Brunswick) so we got together for a couple hours. Was great to see her again and reminisce about the Good ole days.

After much searching I finally found a nice wool fall coat. It was getting too cool for my spring jacket and not cold enough for my winter coat. Of course once my new coat arrived (I ordered it from Sears), it warmed up a bit again.

Peanut has decided to become deaf. She no longer responds to Come. I let her out in the back yard to do her business and then call her. She will come close and then zip off again. She zings all around the yard (including through the mud patch) but will not come to me. Even treats will not entice her.

I finally have to go outside and then usually she will zip past me into the house, muddy paws and all. I think I have to start taking her out on her lead again for awhile.

Have a great week!

Friday, 16 October 2009

Mid-month Update - October To Do List

What I managed to get done so far is in red below.
  • Put all clean clothes away - we have a blanket box somewhere under the mound of clean clothes in our bedroom.
  • Do a pantry & freezer inventory
  • Plan meals on what I have in the freezer & pantry
  • Rip all plants out of garden - started
  • Buy J a new winter coat & hat
  • Buy J new soccer shoes
  • Buy J some long sleeved shirts, sports pants & long johns
  • Work as many hours as possible (even if it is boring and there is nothing to do) money is money!
  • Deep clean ensuite bath - it really needs it but as I am the only one who uses it, it is easy to put off.
  • Clean office - getting very cluttered
  • Finish Bright Hope quilt blocks (fabric to be cut and then pieced - 8 blocks)
  • Buy sashing, binding & backing fabric for Bright Hope quilt
  • Finish sewing rag quilt and clip fringe
  • Bake banana muffins to use up dead bananas in freezer (I think they are multiplying)
  • Make chili and freeze for lunches
  • Make taco lentils & rice and freeze for lunches
  • Look into hiring a cleaner to come in once a week to do bathrooms and floors
  • Book dentist appt for J
  • Book ortho xrays for J
  • Book cleaning with dentist for me (Urgh!)
  • Book haircut & brow waxing (before they merge!)
  • Get quotes to replace 2 windows
  • Clean out hall closet and freecycle what we don't need
  • Post J's outgrown clothes on freecycle
  • Get K to vacuum out old furniture so friends can come take it for their basement (and get it out of my house!)
  • Finish crocheting striped blanket and tuck in all colour-change ends
  • Lose 5lbs
  • Attempt pumpkin pie from scratch with J
  • Change sheets to flannel (will happen this weekend)

Weekly update

Ya I am bad - I should be writing more, I know.

This new contract (extension) is taking as long as the last one to get started.
I started the contract Oct 5th, but my 1st meeting to get it started will be at 11am today. So I have basically just been sitting around doing nothing...again.

Tomorrow is Applefest in our little city. All things Apple. We will be going to buy some local apples, some fresh apple fritters as well as check out all the vendors etc... They usually have some booths with handmade craft items too.

It has turned very cold here in the last week. I realized I do not have a decent fall coat. Just Spring and winter coats. So on one of my many idle afternoons, I shopped online and ordered a wool fall coat, a pair of low heeled boots and a bathrobe for J for Christmas. I am hoping it all is delivered tomorrow so that I have a warm coat to wear to Applefest.

J's indoor soccer season starts this Sunday. His 1st game is at 6pm. I guess that is better than 8am. He is a little disappointed at his team sponsor because his shirt will say "Darlington Ladies Soccer Club" I think it is funny - I told him the shirt will probably be pink too :)

While J was sick last weekend he commandeered my newly finished striped blanket. (I need to post a photo of that soon). I did it all in single crochet so it is very tight and warm. He agreed to return it to me if I make him one, so yesterday I picked up 12 balls of the same style wool but in 3 shades of brown (will go better with my furniture) and started his blanket last night. I have about 2 inches complete. I have to crochet fast so that I can have my blanket back :)

Have a lovely weekend everyone - stay warm :)

Monday, 12 October 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

We did our turkey dinner yesterday since I don't like cooking a big meal and making a big mess the day before I have to go back to work.

I don't much care for turkey but DH does so I made a small turkey, a small ham, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn and gravy.

At about 2am Sunday morning, DS woke up not feeling well. He had a headache, stomach ache and a fever of 101. I spent most of the night up with him. He continued to feel crappy all day Sunday and didn't even eat Thanksgiving dinner.

Today, he still have the fever and headache. We both may be home tomorrow too if he doesn't improve.

At least I don't have to worry about dinner tonight - leftovers.

We are cuddled on the couch (DS, Peanut & I) watching Babe. DS has never seen it before.
Laundry can wait until later.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Sleepy Sunday

Yesterday my sister & I spent the day shopping.

We hit Value Village first and I found nothing! All the prices are going up too - nuts!

Then we went to Fabricland where I got fabric for my Bright Hope quilt (still haven't made the last 8 blocks). I got turquoise for the sashing, golden yellow for the border and black for the binding. I haven't yet decided what I will do for the back - I'll go back for that later.

I'm also not sure whether I want to do 4 x 4 blocks or 3 x 5 (and have one left over) - square quilt or rectangle? This will just be used as a throw quilt.

After that was a quick stop to get my unruly brows waxed. The Asian girl doing them could barely speak English but managed to say "you no do for long long time" yup long LONG time :)

Next we stopped by a friend's for coffee & a chat.

Then on to Penningtons where I bought a pair of pants, a pair yoga pants, and 4 tops.

Next was grocery shopping and finally home.

We had seafood lasagna (frozen) and garlic bread for dinner.

At 8pm we headed back out all dolled up to a dance.

I haven't danced in a long time. I found and used muscles I didn't know I had and I must have sweat off at least a pound. We had a good time and left there at midnight.

This morning I slept in a bit then managed to get my stiff body downstairs to make breakfast for everyone.

Dear sis left and now I am tackling laundry and cooking some taco lentils & brown rice (I use beef broth) for my lunches this week.

So I have managed to do a few things off my To D0 list.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Lazy Friday

I am enjoying a nice lazy day off before the usual busy weekend and then back to work. J also has the day off today due to a PA day.

I am sitting on my new comfy sofa cuddled in my recently finished striped blanket (still need to weave in the ends), with my puppy in her lil bed next to me and a homemade cafe mocha (instant coffee with chocolate syrup added in :)).

It is pretty cool out today and we are trying to avoid putting on the heat as long as possible. It is currently 18C (64F) inside so not too bad, just need slippers, sweaters and blankies :)

I may get off the couch today and do some of the many things on my To Do list...then again I may not :) I have a library book I have yet to start.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

My October T0 Do List

Wow where did September go?

I need to get more organized so I am going to make a list of all the things I would like to accomplish this month - anyone else want to join me?

I'll try to come back at the end of the month and see what I really did get done.

I am off work until Monday so hopefully will get a few of these things done over the next couple days.

  • Put all clean clothes away - we have a blanket box somewhere under the mound of clean clothes in our bedroom.
  • Do a pantry & freezer inventory
  • Plan meals on what I have in the freezer & pantry
  • Rip all plants out of garden
  • Buy J a new winter coat & hat
  • Buy J new soccer shoes
  • Buy J some long sleeved shirts, sports pants & long johns
  • Work as many hours as possible (even if it is boring and there is nothing to do) money is money!
  • Deep clean ensuite bath - it really needs it but as I am the only one who uses it, it is easy to put off.
  • Clean office - getting very cluttered
  • Finish Bright Hope quilt blocks (fabric to be cut and then pieced - 8 blocks)
  • Buy sashing, binding & backing fabric for Bright Hope quilt
  • Finish sewing rag quilt and clip fringe
  • Bake banana muffins to use up dead bananas in freezer (I think they are multiplying)
  • Make chili and freeze for lunches
  • Make taco lentils & rice and freeze for lunches
  • Look into hiring a cleaner to come in once a week to do bathrooms and floors
  • Book dentist appt for J
  • Book ortho xrays for J
  • Book cleaning with dentist for me (Urgh!)
  • Book haircut & brow waxing (before they merge!)
  • Get quotes to replace 2 windows
  • Clean out hall closet and freecycle what we don't need
  • Post J's outgrown clothes on freecycle
  • Get K to vacuum out old furniture so friends can come take it for their basement (and get it out of my house!)
  • Finish crocheting striped blanket and tuck in all colour-change ends
  • Lose 5lbs
  • Attempt pumpkin pie from scratch with J
  • Change sheets to flannel
I am sure I will think of more stuff to add later - but that is a decent start.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

The garden is coming to an end

Over the next few days I have to rip the remaining tomato plants out of the garden. Any tomatoes left on the plants have blight.

This is what we have left from the garden - we have eaten some tomatoes, an eggplant, and a hot pepper.
There is still an orange pepper on the plant.

And some green peppers.

And a Peanut pic to make you smile
(you can kind of see my new furniture)

Monday, 28 September 2009

Long time no chat/write (?)

Sorry life got in the way again.

So here are some updates:

  • My tomatoes plants were doing wonderfully but then got blight, and even after ripping the one offending plant out, it spread. All of my plants now have it. I picked a bunch of green tomatoes from the first plant and have them ripening on the patio table but most of the cherry tomatoes are lost :(
  • I got/will have once ripened, about 2 dozen tomatoes.
  • They say if you get tomato blight, you can't plant tomatoes there next year. We will have to try some patio tomato plants in large pots instead. And we have to try to solarize (sterilize) the soil with a large clear plastic sheet in May to use it for other veggies.
  • DH did pick a few eggplants which are doing wonderfully. He grilled them for dinner last night. The ones remaining on the plant aren't very big but still may be edible - we are expecting frost soon.
  • Peanut is doing much better. She ended up getting an ear infection of some sort the weekend after her allergic reaction so is now on ear drops.
  • I found out today, just 2 days before my work contract ends, that they will be extending me for 3 more months. I was looking forward to the time off but money is always a good thing. I will just be taking Thursday & Friday this week off and start the new project on Monday. It will take me through until the end of December. I don't want to have to travel in the cold winter months of January and February anyway.
  • We got new living room furniture. The stuff we had was over 13 years old and looking really bad. I will take pics and post later (I am at work right now - working hard see :)) The new stuff is very poofy and soft.

Monday, 14 September 2009

My Peanut is sick

Update below

Friday evening at about 7pm, J & I started cutting out the tomatoes plants that have blight - if you don't take them out, it will spread to everything. I had Peanut out there with us. She started to lick the cuttings so I put her on the long leash on the opposite side of the yard.

At about 10:30PM J noticed that around her eyes had swollen up. He had been playing with her just 20 mins before and she had been fine then. We decided to take her to the emergency vet.

We told them about the tomato plants, I knew tomato plants are toxic, but the vet seemed to think it was more likely a bee sting, of which we have a ton in the garden.

They gave her a shot of cortisone and a shot of benadryl. Aside from the swollen eyes and the welts popping up everywhere, she still seemed in good spirits. The told us to continue the benadryl at home. They convinced me to buy a victorian collar for her so she wouldn't scratch her eyes. We got home at about 1am. It took about 5 mins and all 3 of us holding her to get the collar on her and then she went absolutely nuts so I ending up taking it off after 5 mins. Waste of $25.

By morning her eyes were back to normal but she still had welts. I gave her a dose of liquid benadryl at 10am. She ate and drank normally and still seemed fine other than the welts.

At about 4pm Saturday she vomited, then again 3 more times in the next hour. Her gums and tongue turned white and she lay down on the grass outside and didn't move. We took her back to the vet at 6pm. There said she had gone into shock and was probably having a secondary reaction to the whatever she had. They put her on IV and kept her for the night.

We picked her up at 10am Sunday. She was tired but looked so much better. She refused to look at me, she was mad I had left her I guess :)

As both visits were to the emergency vet where each visit has the base price of $132, plus all the extras, Peanut's allergy has nearly cost me a mortgage payment.

I am working from home today to monitor her. She hates the benadryl liquid so I only end up getting half a dose into her which still makes her drowsy. She still has lots of welts. K will bring home the pill form of benadryl after work - I think I can get those into her better.

She is very clingy since she came home, so is at least listening better when I call her :)

Update: I stayed home again today (Tuesday) to give Peanut Benadryl during the day. Most of her hives are gone and she is back to her happy self.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Aerosmith update

I just realized I never updated everyone about the Aerosmith concert we were supposed to go to Sept 3rd.

Ya well it was cancelled.

The lead singer Steven Tyler fell off the stage at one of the concerts and hurt his shoulder and head enough that they cancelled the rest of the tour.

Luckily, we are able to get a complete refund and not just the price of the tickets, as we paid a LOT more than the face value.

Oh well maybe they will reschedule another time and we can see them then. There just aren't enough groups J likes that we also like.

Mini update

We finally got around to planting our maple tree this Sunday. The large circle of dirt is where the previous owners had a pool - we just filled it with topsoil a couple months ago and have yet to seed it.

Down-to-Earth, a blog I frequent has set up a forum (you will have to sign-up for an account but it is free).

The blog & forum revolve around simplified living/homesteading. I am having a great time reading everything there. I want a small homestead SO bad now :) Check it out.

A random pic of Peanut - DH says she is spoiled...what do you think? :)

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Another garden update

The garden about a week ago.
A picture with J
Our first pepper

TomatoesHot peppers

More tomatoes
This one is called a patio tomato plant
- this plant has 44 tomatoes on it currently
Little eggplants
And finally, cherry tomatoes

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Garden update

When we decided to put int he vegetable gardens earlier this summer, I let my husband decide what he would put it - I did however tell him he had bought too many tomatoes.

Come harvest time - probably another month since we planted so late, we are going to have TONS of tomatoes.

I have already researched how to freeze them as there is no way we can eat or give away that many tomatoes. The big ones at least can be made into sauce but he also have about 8 cherry tomato plants out there somewhere.

My clematis is not looking like it will make it :(

Front garden a couple weeks after we planted it
One of the vegetable beds several weeks ago
Other bed a several weeks ago

The veggies beds a couple weeks later

Cilantro plant

I had planned to post pictures of the vegetable garden as they look today but the battery on my camera is dead. Will post more recent ones this weekend.

Annual Family BBQ

This year our family BBQ was held at my 2nd oldest brother's new home - they built it themselves.

It was a decent day until the rain came just as we were eating, but it still turned out to be a good time.

For the record, I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers - all older than me - I am the baby :)

In order is it Oldest brother, 2nd oldest brother, oldest sister, 2nd oldest sister, 3rd oldest brother and then me :)

2nd oldest brother (home owner) in grey/blue shirt
oldest sister behind him
- oh and DH in the stripped shirt and a family friend

3rd brother's boat

2nd oldest sister on left in black pants
- oldest sister standing in white pants

My son and my sister's (2nd oldest) grandson

My son with his traditional summer haircut

Oldest sister's son

2nd oldest brother and oldest sister
- they are only 10.5 months apart in age

Old car my brother is working on

Oldest brother and wife

Kid with toad

Swimming off the dock

View of the back of the house

Front of the house

Tons of food!

We started to eat outside then it started to pour

So we finished up eating inside

My 3rd oldest brother - testing the Smile feature
on my camera - it won't take the shot until you smile :)

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...