Monday, 14 July 2008

My camping adventure Part 2

If you haven't read part 1 - scroll down and read that first.

Once my friend L and her exchange students arrived, we all sat down to a picnic-style lunch then got to work setting up my tent with the newly arrived tent poles.

L taking pictures of me taking pictures of her

Afterwards, we piled into 2 cars and drove down the road a bit to the 1000 Island Boat launch.
We took the 1 hour tour but got there about 45 mins early and had to wait. The tour was broadcast to us in 3 languages, English, French and Chinese. It was hard to remember when to listen. We had a nice time. At one point Elodie's camera opened and out spilled her rechargeable batteries. We were able to grab one easily, but the other rolled under the bench and to the other side of a barrel - we had to let J scramble under there, holding his legs to get the battery - our hero :)

Elodie (L) & Belen (R)

Elodie, J & Belen
J on the boat - see the barrel to the left? That is
where the battery was, at the far side of that.
The bridge to the U.S.Part of Boldt castle on Heart Island

Front of Boldt Castle
Back side of Boldt Castle
Me - my nose not looking as burnt as it did when we got off
the boat - oh and those are my new prescription
sunglasses - what do you think?
That is T & Elodie behind me.

Random island
When the tour was finished we drove into Gananoque and had dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Once back at camp J went swimming again while the others explore the campground.

He tells me the water was REALLY cold

We made a fire and L made Spider dogs for everyone to roast - I had never heard of these before. You slice an X in each end of the hotdog so you have 4 legs, leaving the middle inch or so solid - then when you roast them the spider legs curl up. They look kinda creepy to me actually :)

This picture kinda shows what the Spider dogs look like -
but Elodie is shaking the stick so it looks like it has more legs than it does.
Around 10:30pm the real fun began - it started to rain on us so we all went to bed. As I was getting changed in the dark, my son says "I feel water"

Not exactly what I wanted to hear. Yup sure enough - our tent was leaking right in the middle - and right onto our double air mattress. There was nothing I could do about it - I folded a towel and placed it where it was dripping and tryed to go to sleep.

I could hear the girls in sis's tent next to us exclaiming about the rain and the bugs that managed to get into the tent.

It was very hot Saturday night in comparison to Friday. I would start to doze off and then the rain to would get harder and wake me again - these were VERY hard rains - I am just glad we didn't have thunder and lightening to boot.

I slept on and off throughout the night (son had no probs and slept fine).

In the morning we discovered puddles in each corner of the tent and my towel was quite damp but the comforter only slightly.

I dragged my sweaty tired self up to what they generously called the showers - a little tube-like structure that has a door that sometimes works, and a little piece of shower curtain inside. I was lucky that day and only had to shower with a single wasp and not a dozen mosquitos, like I had done the day before.

The girls took one look at the facilities and decided to wait until they got home to shower.

L looking cheerful - her tent did not leak.

J again decided to go swimming and then we set to taking down camp. I had to mop up all the water and try to get the outside of the tent dry before taking it down.

We managed to get everything down and packed away at around 10:30 am, just as the rain started yet again.

We went back to the same restaurant as Saturday and had breakfast. And then we all decided that we were too tired and feeling yucky to head to Fort Henry and just drove home - in the rain.

I had a good time - I realize I am not as young as I once was and sleeping on an air mattress in a tent isn't as fun as it used to be - and that I need to be more thorough with the sunblock - and that I really really hate bugs of all types - but I am glad I went and I got tons of pictures!

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