Sunday 2 March 2008

Heck of a week

Well the week started out well enough. I got news on Tuesday that my oldest niece is expecting her first child in August. My brother (her father) didn't have my two sisters' emails and asked that we pass the news along to anyone he had missed. I forwarded it to my sisters.

Friday I got a response from my sister. She had news of her own - but not good. My nephew (29) has just been diagnosed with something called Moya moya syndrome. It is a rare condition that causes the arteries in his brain to narrow and cause strokes. An MRI showed scar tissue from at lease 4 strokes - 2 as recent as last week. His driver's license has been revoked, and as his job is driving truck, he cannot work. The only available treatment is brain surgery.We are waiting to hear if he is a candidate for it or not.

Later that night my brother called me.....from the hospital. He has been there since Sunday. He was having trouble breathing so finally went in. They have found 17 blood clots in his right lung - not sure about the left. He was put on blood thinners but wasn't responding to it, so the dosage was increased. The thinners will prevent new clots from forming but the existing clots still have to be removed/busted/dissolved whatever, as they can move to his brain and cause strokes, or if they stay put, cause diminished breathing capacity. He is waiting to see a blood specialist.

Man so much all at once.

For anyone out there that prays, your prayers would definitely be appreciated.

We are all doing our best to stay positive and informed.


Anonymous said...

Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way Kim. Might be time to learn more about the signs and symptoms of strokes. Might be something in the family...

Debs said...

Oh prayers are with you and your family...I hope your nephew and your brother come through just fine...big hugs to you. I hope (hope this doesn't sound sinister) to hear how they progress?
God bless you Kim to have the strength to do what you have to do for and with your family.

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...