This is my first time participating in Frugal Friday's over at Biblical Womanhood. Pop over for more great tips!
This is my first Frugal Friday tip of the New year I am going to post five frugal things I will start/continue to do this year.
- Keep heat to 18C during the day in the winter - I have been wearing slippers, sweaters and occasionally a knit hat to stay warm. So far so good. In the summer we will not set the AC lower than 22C (let's hope DH can handle that LOL)
- Keep track of what we have in the fridge/pantry/freezer and only buy what we really need - I used to throw away far too many things that spoiled. Plan meals around what we do have.
- Cook from scratch most days - have a leftover night to use stuff up. There are times when all we really feel like is a bowl of cereal anyway - why cook if we don't feel like eating.
- Don't buy any new clothes unless I get down a size - I really don't need anything anyway.
- Really think about things before I buy them - do I really need this? Can it wait? Can I do without?
Good tips!
Love your last item the best. This teaches us contentment, patience and gratitude for what we already have.
I am working on the same goal this year. Best wishes on your job search.
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