Wednesday 24 March 2010

Works For me Wednesday - Keeping your mind off food

I am now on day 3 of the South Beach diet - and actually it is going quite well.

On a swap website I belong to (, I recently participated in a "10 things to do instead of eating" email swap. Tips to help each other stay motivated and not give in to tempation.

Here are mine:

  • Crochet granny squares – they are a small enough project that you can whip one up in about 15-20 minutes (or less if you are good J). You can use odds and ends of different wool and make it a never-ending colourful project.
  • Make ATCs. You are probably familiar with ATCs, but if not, they are artist trading cards. Small works of art. Again easy to whip one off in a short amount of time or equally easy to spend hours making several.
  • Read a good book. I order books online from the library, so always have something on hand to read.
  • Write a blog post. Pre-write posts so that you always have something interesting on your blog.
  • Give yourself a beauty tune-up. Go find a facial mask of some type, use it, file your nails, pluck your eyebrows, have a nice soak in the tub, shave your legs.
  • Journal about your day, how you are feeling and what your plans are. Stay positive!
  • Doodle. Just grab a scratch pad and a pen and doodle. Some doodles turn out to be works of art!
  • Clean & organize your hall closet. Put away the winter gear and get those sandals and sun hats ready to wear.
  • If feeling crappy, write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then burn it! (Practice safety of course!).
  • Set the timer on the microwave for 10 minutes and then do a frantic quick clean. See how much you can accomplish in 10 minutes. Empty the dishwasher, wash some dishes, sweep the floor, put in a load of laundry, fold a load of laundry, clean out the fridge, fluff the sofa cushions, straighten some magazines. The list is endless. And you will feel like you have accomplished something instead of eating.
Sharing tips works for me!

For more great WFMW tips go to We Are That Family.


Jordan and Matt said...

Great tips for keeping your mind off food (I say this as I'm eating Jelly Beans)....but really, I might have to revisit this blog the next time I go to visit my pantry at 10PM!

Melanie Eccles said...

these are great thoughts. thanks!

Mrs_M said...

Great ideas!! Good luck with South Beach! Post any recipes if you find some good ones!

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