Wednesday 13 January 2010

Ultimate Recipe Swap - Vegetable Edition

This is my 2nd time participating in the Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life as Mom. This week's theme is Vegetables for a Healthier You.

Honestly, I'm not a huge vegetable fan. However, there are the few that I do like.

One way that I enjoy broccoli is in Frog soup (or non-cream creamy broccoli soup).

  • Frozen broccoli - lrg bag - chopped small (I use my food processor)
  • Chicken stock - 4 cups
  • 1 onion - diced small
  • cream cheese - 3 tbsps
  • potato flakes for thickening - 3-4 tbsps
  • seasoning - salt & pepper or seasoning salt.
  1. Put broccoli, onion, seasoning and stock in pot.
  2. Bring to a boil then lower to a simmer - simmer for about an hour.
  3. Take off the heat.
  4. Using a hand blender - blend the soup until completely pureed (use a reg blender 2 cups at a time if you don't have a hand blender)
  5. Return to low heat.
  6. Add the cream cheese & potato flakes and stir until melted and thickened.
  7. Serve and enjoy.
Another veggie recipe we use quite a bit in the winter is Roasted veggies.

  1. I take an assortment of veggies, usually cauliflower, potatoes, quartered onions, sliced zucchinis, brussel sprouts and mushrooms, but you can use any you like.
  2. I toss them all in a bowl with olive oil (couple tbsps, just enough to coat) and seasonings (again whatever you like, garlic powder, seasoning salt, chili powder)- sometimes I use curry powder too.
  3. Put them all into an open roasting pan or pyrex dish and roast at 350 degrees for about an hour - stirring every 20 minutes. Check for doneness with a fork - they don't have to be mushy, just as done as your family likes them.

Even though I don't eat the brussel sprouts (DH loves them), and kiddo won't touch much of it, there is something in there for all of us.

For more healthy recipes, pop over to Life as Mom.


Susie said...

Those both look great!!

Karen said...

Your roasted veggies look scrumptious!

I always shy away from mixing my veggies for roasting as they don't seem to get done at the same time. It looks like you have figured out how large each type needs to be cut to get done at the same time. Any tips on that?

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