Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Works For Me Wednesday - Quilting Tip

Today's Works For Me Wednesday tip is on how to make multiple half squares for quilting, all at one time.

Half squares come into play in quilting quite a bit, so it is nice to be able to make several at once, instead of one at a time.

First I drew a template and photo copied it several times.

Then I cut 2 pcs of fabric the correct size and placed them good sides together.

Pin the layers and the template together

Next you sew on the two outside lines. The middle line is where it will be cut.
When I get to the corners of the next square, I stop the machine and move
the fabric, so I am not stitching the corner. I have stitched over the corners
before and they are very easy to just rip out the few stitches there.

Start cutting the squares apart

Then cut each square into triangles by cutting through the middle line.

Rip off the paper
Snip the corners
Press the seams flat
And finally iron
You now have 16 half squares done in half the time it would have
taken you to do them individually.
Happy quilting!

For more great Works For Me Wednesdays post, go to its new home.

1 comment:

Kama said...

Great idea!! I'll have to do that next time. I just finished a zig zag quilt that called for quite a few half squares and I can't tell you how long it took to get it all cut and sewn!!! Check it out on my blog!

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