Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Works For Me Wednesday - Finding Recipes on the Internet

Recently on a blog I read, the question was posed, "What are you favourite cookbooks?"

I have about 8 cookbooks. They have never even been unpacked since I moved to this house 3 years ago.

I don't need cook books. I never follow recipes to the letter, I always tweek it a bit.

But ...I always get my recipes off the Internet. Who needs actual cook books when you have recipe sites galore?!

Some of my favourites include: - you can search by dish name or plug in some ingredients and see what matches up. I love that most have photos and they have ratings to tell you what others thought of the dish. - Absolutely mouthwatering photos and simpy by clicking the link, you are taken to the blog of the recipe maker. This is a greaqt way to find new food blogs. You can also seasch by dish name or ingredient.

The Pioneer Woman - you'd have to have been living under a rock not to know who this is. She has great recipes in her Cooking section and she also started the spin-off cooking site, TastyKitchen where members can contribute. Again lots of photos and reviews.

Gina's Skinny Recipes - low fat recipes that still look amazingly appetizing, included WW points

For more great Works for me Wednesday tips, pop over to We are THAT family.

1 comment:

annies home said...

yes I love to share and find recipes on the internet as well. The internet is a great resource for nearly any recipe you may be looking for

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