Sunday, 19 September 2010

Fall To Do List

Did you know Tuesday is the first day of Fall? So soon?! 

I know my sister D reads this blog so right at the top of my Fall To Do List is ...

  • Finish The Pink Quilt for D! I still have a few blocks to hand quilt around, then I need to measure it on our guest room double bed and see how big of a border I have to add, then add it and bind it. This was a birthday present for my sister from, I think 2 yrs ago - she is VERY used to waiting for stuff from me :)

  • cook and freeze some fall meals. I am thinking frog soup (broccoli), chili, tortiere.
  • do some baking and freeze: muffins, banana bread
  • start thinking about Christmas, gifts, decorating, baking - I need to start earlier this year.
  • pantry & freezer inventory - it is that time of year again - too much food! I need to menu plan big time
  • walk the Peanut at least twice a week - right now she is happy to just zip around the yard, but since it is cooler out and I need the exercise, I will try to get her out at least twice a week
  • clean my office - something I have been putting off. It needs a major clean up!
  • clean out the garden before the frost comes - unlike last year where I left it all til spring!
  • work on some sewing projects - I put them all off for the summer, time to get back to them
  • nag DH to work on the tiles in the dining area - 3 years in this house, this has been like this TOO long
  • paint the front doors & trim
  • paint the garage doors & trim
  • get a curtain rod & lace curtain for ensuite window - we got a new frosted glass window installed in Jan and haven't got around to getting a curtain.
I am sure there are more I will add when I think of them.

I'll check back around November to see how I have done with this list.

1 comment:

Gill - That British Woman said...

I don't want to list the jobs that need to be done, as it's a never ending list!!

However I was just thinking as I took the last prepared casserole out of the freezer this morning, I need to prepare some more ready to serve meals.


Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...