Saturday, 28 August 2010

Family BBQ August 2010

We went up to my brother's place on Sunday for a family BBQ arranged to meet my newest grand-niece, Charlotte, born in May. It rained but we still had a great time and here are the photos I promised.

Cindy (sis inlaw - her house), Jean (friend), Donna (sis inlaw) and baby Charlotte

My kiddo

My oldest brother Don and his wife Donna with their grand daughter Hailey

Hailey & Grandma

My kiddo, my grand nephew Josh and his Grandad Glenn (my brother inlaw)

Titan - my nephew James' dog (one of 2)

itty bitty crayfish

close up

My brother's property backs on the river.

Back of his house

LuLu, James' other dog

My brother Grant (his house) with his grand daughter Charlotte and my sis Heather in the back

My 2 oldest brothers with their grand daughters

Me & Charlotte


My niece Krystal with her niece Hailey & my sis Heather


J & LuLu

Lulu & Titan

Josh, Titan & J

My sis Donna, J and dogs

Nephew James (Charlotte's daddy) & my sis Donna

LuLu & Titan

Donna, Hailey & J

Paul (friend), sis Heather and her hubby Glenn

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