Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Works For Me Wednesday - Frugal Editon

Today's Works for me Wednesday is the frugal edition.

My frugal tip for today is to use rags (in this case old towels) instead of paper towels or swiffer cloths when cleaning.

I recently bought a large bag of used towels (but still in really good condition) from the thrift store for $3. Inside were 3 large bath towels and 7 smaller hand towels.

I think I will save 2 of the larger towels for when I need to bathe the dogs (so I don't get dog hair on our towels) and cut up the others for spring cleaning.

I can use them for wiping down anything and everything (bathroom/kitchen counters, window sils, light switches, baseboards, sinks, mirrors), and I will cut them to size and attach to my swiffer duster to use either wet or dry to sweep/wipe the floors.

And then I will simply toss them into the washer and use them again and again and not waste money on those swiffer refills.

Old towels as rags works for me!

For more great WFMW tips, go by We Are THAT Family.


Jennifer said...

Good tip! =)

Niki Jolene said...

Great tip. Seems like no one uses rags anymore. I think they're gonna make a comeback with the economy the way it is. We are looking to cut corners (and trash waste) as much as possible.


Maria said...

I love that idea. I just cut up most of my receiving blankets for rags for the baby. I'm going to try towels too. (Do they unravel if you cut them?)

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