Thursday, 28 May 2009

Rock for the young and old

For Christmas this year my son received several gift cards instead of presents. On New Years Eve day my son and husband ran around to several stores so he could buy Guitar Hero Aerosmith for himself.

For those of you who don’t know what this is, where the heck have you been? No really, it is a video game where you use the supplied guitar (not at all like a real guitar, has buttons instead of strings) to play along to the songs on the video game. You have to hit the coloured notes as they go past….anyhow….all the songs on this version of the game are by the rock group Aerosmith.

(Side Note: Excellent marketing on Aerosmith’s part – great way to get the younger generation listening to their music – that is why they have been around for 4 decades!)

As you get better playing, new songs are released for you to play. My 12 year old son is now in love with Aerosmith – he keeps telling me of all these “New” songs he can play. I then point out that many of them were released in the 70’s (when Mommy was a little girl :))

So finally getting to the point now…the other day I heard of an Aerosmith concert in Toronto on Sept 3rd. Opening for them are ZZ Top, who happen to be a favorite of my husband’s.

So we are trying to get our hands on 3 tickets from this sold out show to take my son to. We haven’t yet mentioned it to him in case we can’t find tickets (which are going to cost us a HUGE amount of money). I really like Aerosmith as well, so it won’t just be for Jarrod that we are going.

But how cool is that that we get to take our 12 year old to his first rock concert and actually like the music as much as he does?

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