My son noticed them soon after I woke him yesterday morning and called for me. I grabbed a tupperware like container and scooped the little fry (that is what baby fish are called) up with a net and popped them into it. We are not sure how many babies she had, but we saved 5. We seen at least 2 being eaten, one by the mother. That is a piece of gravel from the tank for a size comparison. The container they are in is about 3 inches across.
We bough a special breeder tank last night that floats in the big tank and can hold a pregnant fish and has a little trap that the fry fall into so that they cannot be eaten. The adult fish are still trying to get them through the breeder tank.
They have to be kept separate from the adult fish until they have at least doubled in size. Not sure how long that will take.
We have two females and a male adult mollies. I read online today that mollies can give birth to fry every 30 days. I really wish the lady at the pet store had told me that!
every 30 days? wow - reminds me of some people I've known now looks like the other female may also be pregnant.
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