Friday, 4 February 2011

Week in review

Well if you read my Wednesday posts you know all about the One World One Heart blog carnival. If not, check out the button on the right of this post.

I have spent SO much time looking at all the giveaways and if the blog looked interesting, I spent some time reading it. And the list is huge - I am number 700 and it is still growing.

I don't enter all the giveaways. As they are mostly art type prizes, not all of them are to my tastes, I'm kind of traditional. Most of what is being offered, even if not my taste, is beautiful work. But I gotta tell ya, some of the offerings just had me scratching my head. Seriously?! What are you even supposed to DO with one of those? Of course. that wasn't the majority :)

Suffice to say, I didn't get a lot of other stuff done this week.

In the late hours of Tuesday night we were supposed to be hit with the storm of the year (and the past few years as well). We did get snow, but not nearly as much as was predicted - which is just fine with me.

But in anticipation of all the snow, all the school busses were cancelled on Wednesday, so kiddo had a snow day - which in his mind means 12 straight hours of Xbox games. Which I didn't mind as it kept him out of my hair and kept him quiet. At almost 14 he is developing an attitude (not that he didn't have one before) and him being quiet is a rare thing.

Oh and today is a PA day - so another Xbox day...if he ever gets out of bed - I did mention he was  teen right?

Peanut has a boo boo on her bottom that she will not leave alone long enough to heal - we decided to try to CONE her. It didn't last very long - poor baby.

She would barely move, she was so freaked

She doesn't look too happy does she?
So we took it off her - still not too pleased with me

But tired

I did some work on the baby quilt. The baby shower date has been changed to February 20th so that extra week gives me time to slack off :) Don't worry I always finish them in time.

Because of the baby quilt I am currently working on and all the gathering of supplies for the OWOH giveaway - my office is in a frightful mess. I am very organized and can tell you exactly where everything is - it just isn't very neat :)

My mother in-law is supposed to visit around the 17th for a few days, so the office (and entire house) will have to be cleaned by then...any voluneers? Any one out there actually LIKE to clean? I'll make you lunch? :)


Gill - That British Woman said...

poor Peanut, he doesn't look to pleased with you. You can get fabric cones that are more gentle..........Peanut will probably still not be happy with you.........but it may help!!

Gosh it's bloody well freezing out there this morning...


Fat Dormouse said...

I know what you mean about some of the door prizes on OWOH - amazingly made, but...?!?! I hope no-one thinks that about mine though! I love your blog and I'm bookmarking it so I can come back to it after OWOH is over & I have more time.

Melody said...

Spray her spot with Lanacane. It has an anti-itch ingredient and the spray makes them not want to lick. We use it all the time and the vet loves it.

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...