Tuesday 22 February 2011

My Most Recent CSN Store Purchase

For simply writing a few posts about CSN Stores I was given a gift certificate to use at one of their multiple stores. DH & I and have been hunting for the right night stands for years. The ones we have found that we liked have all cost way more than we are willing to pay.

I found these on CSN Store. Adding my own money to the gift certifcate, I ordered two for our bedroom.

I also looked at Sears.ca to see if I could find anything comparable.

I found this almost identical night stand. All measurements are the same as the other one. Notice the price. For one of these from Sears, it would cost more than I paid in total (even without the GC), including international fees, shipping & tax for the 2 from CSN Stores.

Is that not unbelievable?

I received my order approx. 2 weeks after ordering - not bad really. Unfortunetly, one of the night stands was damaged and will have to be returned.

The other one looks great!

And you can see how close the wood colour is to my bed.


Gill - That British Woman said...

that sucks that one was damaged. How long until you get the replacement?

I love them by the way, really nice.


Gill - That British Woman said...

wet a towel and heat an iron and place the towel over the dents and iron the towel and see if you can steam out the dents.....


Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...