Thursday, 23 April 2009

Weekly update

Haven't done a lot this week - recovering from a spring cold that the kiddo gave me. He was home Monday & Tuesday hacking up a lung too.

Finished my swap pot holders and tea towel, but have no where to send it as my swap partner has not yet replied to my email asking for her address.

I also made a fabric journal cover and zippered pencil case for my sister.

I've submitted to a few jobs this week. I have an interview on Tuesday for a 6 month contract at a bank. I also submitted for a full time position that is completely work from home - oh man I would love to get that one!

In the past week I have read the following books:
  • Promise in Death - J.D. Robb aka Nora Roberts - good story as usual.
  • Addition - Toni Jordan - pretty good, about a woman with OCD counting
  • Face of Fear - John Saul - not bad.
I have been crocheting on the stripped blanket and it only needs another 12-14 inches til it is finished.

I have to dig around in my office closet, I started a jacket and skirt for myself several years ago and luckily (?) I am still the same size, so I want to find them and finish them. The jacket is about 60% complete, the skirt not even started yet.

Kid has PA day tomorrow and then is taking Monday off so he can go turkey hunting with his Dad. So nice long weekend home with family.

Have a good weekend all :)

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Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...