Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Life Update

The craft show I participated in on the 20th went ok. I sold $67 worth of stuff, but the table cost $30, so only a profit of $37. My sister H purchased several of those items. We still had a fun time though.

Mini quote books I made - sold 3

 My sis H


The weather is finally starting to warm up here and I think/hope we won't have any more snow.

I was submitted for a few bank contracts last week, but have yet to hear back from them.

I spent 3.5 hours in ER Sunday night. I got back spasms that felt like they were choking me. They lasted 2.5 hours continuously - then finally slowed to once every few minutes. By the time I was seen by a Dr at 1.30am, they had almost stopped. The Dr gave me a script for a muscle relaxer & one pill to take when I got home. It was 2:15am by the time I got home, and I needed to be up at 6:30am to get J off to school, so I didn't take the pill, as the Dr said it would knock me out. When the boys left at 7:30am, I took the pill and went back to bed until 12:30pm. My back no longer hurt, I was just a tad stiff & sore. Yeah for happy pills :) I got the script filled even though my back has been fine since, if it ever starts again, I don't want to have to go to the hospital again.

I planted my garden vegetable seeds indoors a few weeks ago - I have several types doing well in a starter flat in my front room. I will still have to buy a few plants for things like kale & tomatoes, which I don't have seeds for. I can probably put the flat out during the day this week as it is supposed to be around 20C/68F all week, and just bring them in at night. May 24th weekend is when most planting in the garden is done here, when there is no chance of frost.

I did a minor reorg of my office/craft/sewing room. I bought a new small bookcase to put on my desk to free up some space on the larger bookcase near my art table for my papers.

I am back on the low carb band wagon AGAIN and currently down 16 lbs from Jan 1st. Slow is good right?

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Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...