Friday, 31 May 2013

Haven't fallen of the face of the earth

I know I haven't posted much but book reviews lately, I apologize.

I have been doing some crafting. I hope to have some photos up soon, but some are for a swap and some are for a Father's day gift, so both will have to wait until the recipients have received them :)

I actually have several projects on the go, but again, most are surprises and will not be posted for awhile.

Nothing happening on the job front. I have been submitted for several bank contracts but nothing has come of them. Of course, if I do get hired, it will be during the summer - Murphy's law :P

I grew some veggie plants from seed, but have yet to finish weeding the gardens to get them planted. I think that has to be done this weekend - can't procrastinate forever...or can I? :)

So I am alive & well. I hope you are all enjoying a lovely spring/summer :)

Hope to post something interesting soon.

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Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...