Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A day (ok a few hours) without Internet

Season 11 of the Biggest Loser starts tonight - I find it motivating to see people lose the amounts of weight they do. I have absolutely no asperations of working out 6 hours a day, so will never see those same results, but it is motivating just the same.

DH went back to work today and kid goes back to school on Thursday. It will kind of be nice to home alone again.

Kiddo and I undecorated the Christmas tree today and started on the other decorations. We should be completely undecorated by this evening.

As I write this, we are actually without Internet connection. Not sure what is wrong - DH can look into it when he gets home. It is quite odd to not have the Internet - this page was open when it went down so I still have access to it - I cannot save of course, so should probably cut & paste this into Word before I lose it all :)

Without the Internet, I need to find something to do. Not that I don’t have a million things I should be doing, such as washing the dishes or cleaning my office, but those are not things I want to be doing J

Today is the 2nd day of my diet and so far so good. Of course this is when the batteries on my scale decide to go. I get on the scale and have one reading, then get off and back on and I go up a pound, off and back on and down 2 (should probably stop here), off and on again and up 1.5. DH is bringing home new batteries tonight so things should be fine after that.

Ok so I got bored enough to start sorting through my bookcase. I have a pile of books I will never read again to give away, a pile to loan to a friend and a pile of book I have not yet read. 

Evening: Internet was not broken, just the cord that supplied the Internet was. DH bought a new one and we are off and running again.

Got new batteries put in my scale but that doesn't seem to have fixed it. I get on 4 times and get 4 different readings. Time to go scale shopping I guess. This one is only about a year old too.


Waitress from Mensa said...

Good luck on your diet! Something that worked for me, hand-in-glove with diet, was a dog-motivated brisk walk of about 1.5 miles every day, or sometimes twice a day, before and after work. I so looked forward to my time with my dogs, iPod, and unemcumbered time in the outdoors. I wish you the best of success.

Gill - That British Woman said...

good luck with your diet, mine is going no where fast at the moment, maybe get back into it next week, as we are at a friends house for lunch tomorrow!!

Hope those swagbucks tips helped?


Heading downtown to a Bridal show today, wish me luck!!

Kim said...

Waitress, if I could walk 1.5 miles a day, I wouldn't be so overweight to begin with! LOL

I can barely walk a few blocks without my lower back hurting. Also the outdoors here is pretty cold right now - I'll wait until spring and just do my best to get on the treadmill more often.

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...