Saturday, 21 July 2012

TP Mini I made For Friend of a Friend

I made this TP (toilet paper tube) mini swometime in the winter/spring, I don't exactly remember when.

It was made for a friend of a friend who had been feeling down lately - this was to cheer her up a bit.

Very pic intensive - the photos show all the tag inserts, which have 2 sides, then the fronts & backs of the TP slots that hold them.

The End :)


Gill - That British Woman said...

that is wonderful Kim, what a lovely gift.

Gill, I'm back to blogging by the way,

Anonymous said...

She loves it by the way, and often uses those quotes on her FB wall!

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...