Monday 5 April 2010

End of Phase 1

Yesterday was the last day of Phase 1 on the South Beach Diet. It was probably easier than I thought it would be.

I did cheat a teeny tiny bit. I had 3 small new potatoes with dinner last night and couple mini chocolate Easter eggs.

And the answer everyone is waiting for... I am down 8 lbs as of this morning. Not bad.

Phase 2 reintroduces fruits, whole grain breads & pastas and brown rice - however, only one of these to be eaten each day for awhile until your body gets used to them or you may just regain all you have lost.

I bought blueberries & strawberries on sale Saturday (3 for $5) so will be adding some of them back today and the next few days. I really missed fruit, even though I don't eat all that much of it. Will save the breads, pasta or rice until next week.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend - we had great weather for Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Sunday got kind of chilly again and now we are expecting cooler temps and 4 days of rain :P

Oh well.


Vickie LeBlanc said...

You did excellent Kim and that tiny bit that you cheated wasn't all that much anyways. Don't know what I would do without bread in my diet...

Nancy at said...

Cheering you on here! The south beach diet has some good healthy principles to follow. Guess I maintain my weight on my own plan which is a combo between south beach and weight watchers. I know though when I eat too many carbs that it messes with my blood sugar.
Keep it up!

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...