Sunday, 7 October 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in Canada - we don't tend to make a big ta do about it. Growing up we did - as it was a big thing that all 6 kids and spouses and children attended. Now we don't do that anymore - we used to all get together at Mom & Dad's house - now that they are gone - we don't get together as often. Kinda sad - but we are more scattered about and no one really had the space to get everyone over - I suppose we do now - but I don't have a dining room set and don't plan on getting one - so I don't know how I would seat more than 6. Maybe I will try for a post-holiday get-together in January and just not serve a sit down meal.

Yesterday was 27C here - gorgeous weather! Today it is only 15C - Brrrr! I went out grocery shopping this morning - I should have brought a jacket.

K is headed to Home depot a couple cities (Ajax) away to get this desk & matching bookcase for J's room. The two home depots nearby are all sold out.

I really should be washing all the fabric I have bought recently - I just love looking at it - it is kind of like when you were a kid and got all nice new clean school supplies - it was almost too nice to use. And I wish I could just use this stuff without washing it but I know I shouldn't. It is just a hassle to test each one for colour-fastness.

If anyone has any suggestions on how I can use all those lengths (and there are several) of lace I got at the thrift shop yesterday - please tell me - I bought them because they looked so nice and were cheap but I haven't the first clue as to what to do with them.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the advice. :)

A Happy (late) Thanksgiving!

Mom2fur said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Wow, the lace is gorgeous, as is the fabric! You can do so many things with the lace. You could trim a plain pillowcase. You could use some on baby bonnets or bibs for special gifts. Put some around the cuffs of a shirt to doll it up. Make pillows for different holidays with lace trim. Etc, etc!

Anonymous said...

Crazy quilting comes to mind for that lace! Either that or art quilting. Course you could just use it for trim as mom2fur suggests.


Anonymous said...

Just thought of something else...maybe doll dresses trimmed in lace?

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...