Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Laptop & stuff

I bought myself a laptop last week - online through Dell. I checked today and it is listed as shipped two days ago - I don't know when I will receive it. I have such plans for my laptop. I want to be able to sit in the backyard in the sun and write. Write what I don't know yet. The next best seller? Who knows? I just want to write. I will also, no doubt, spend countless hours surfing the net and reading blogs of others who just want to write as well. I'll call it research.

I want so badly to be able to write something - something good I mean - something that I can make a living on would be fantastic. But I have read so much lately on how hard it is to get published and all that, that I have almost talked myself out of wanting to write - but not completely.

I am taking the summer off - I am not looking for work unless I can find a part-time work-from-home type job. I want to spend time with da kid as well as just have time off for myself. I would really like to get back into my painting too - but it requires the right mindset and usually when I am fretting about not having a job, well I am just not normally in that mindset.

We have had 8 viewings of our hous e- still no offers. We dropped the price 10K yesterady, let's hope that gets more people interested. We are going to make an offer on the house in Bowmanville - the 2nd one we saw I think and the only one to really fit the bill of what we are looking for. It is large enough and in our price range. It has alos been on the market for over 100 days - I hope that is just because it is waiting for us to buy it and not because it has anything major wrong with it.

I just really hope this buy and sell gets moving soon - it is really a pain to try to keep the house in perfect order all the time - I just want it over with and done - then I can relax and start packing again :D

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Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...