Thursday, 27 August 2009

Garden update

When we decided to put int he vegetable gardens earlier this summer, I let my husband decide what he would put it - I did however tell him he had bought too many tomatoes.

Come harvest time - probably another month since we planted so late, we are going to have TONS of tomatoes.

I have already researched how to freeze them as there is no way we can eat or give away that many tomatoes. The big ones at least can be made into sauce but he also have about 8 cherry tomato plants out there somewhere.

My clematis is not looking like it will make it :(

Front garden a couple weeks after we planted it
One of the vegetable beds several weeks ago
Other bed a several weeks ago

The veggies beds a couple weeks later

Cilantro plant

I had planned to post pictures of the vegetable garden as they look today but the battery on my camera is dead. Will post more recent ones this weekend.

Annual Family BBQ

This year our family BBQ was held at my 2nd oldest brother's new home - they built it themselves.

It was a decent day until the rain came just as we were eating, but it still turned out to be a good time.

For the record, I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers - all older than me - I am the baby :)

In order is it Oldest brother, 2nd oldest brother, oldest sister, 2nd oldest sister, 3rd oldest brother and then me :)

2nd oldest brother (home owner) in grey/blue shirt
oldest sister behind him
- oh and DH in the stripped shirt and a family friend

3rd brother's boat

2nd oldest sister on left in black pants
- oldest sister standing in white pants

My son and my sister's (2nd oldest) grandson

My son with his traditional summer haircut

Oldest sister's son

2nd oldest brother and oldest sister
- they are only 10.5 months apart in age

Old car my brother is working on

Oldest brother and wife

Kid with toad

Swimming off the dock

View of the back of the house

Front of the house

Tons of food!

We started to eat outside then it started to pour

So we finished up eating inside

My 3rd oldest brother - testing the Smile feature
on my camera - it won't take the shot until you smile :)

Peanut Antics

Random photos of Peanut and a video of her trying to eat husband's beer bottle.

J's PJ shorts are made from a
pillowcase - they have Canadian flags :)

Peanut likes beer :)

Monday, 3 August 2009

New quilt - opinions needed

So I bought a bundle of fat quarters (1/4 meters of fabric) from Walmart the other day. I decided to make a Bright Hope quilt.

This is a pic of the finished block (I still cannot cut or sew fabric square/straight to save my life :P) It doesn't look too bad does it?

Now I need your opinion on what colour sashing to use. Sashing will go between and around the blocks like a frame. I also have to decide on a border colour as well - that is a strip of fabric that goes all the way around the framed blocks - I'll think about that later.

I used MS Word to create these graphics, so I was limited on my colour choices. Also my sample pics are 3 blocks by 2 blocks. The actual quilt will be lap size and 4x4 blocks for a total of 16 blocks.

Please let me know which you like best or suggest a completely different colour - I'm game.

Black (currently my fav)

Dark green (think forest green)

Turquiose blue (hard to tell but the blue in the center square is turquoise)
Bright sunny yellow

Autum red
Lime green
I am leaning towards a nice crisp black for the sashing and then maybe a thin yellow gold border, a thicker turquiose border and finally black again for the binding.

It should look something like this.

All opinions and suggestions welcome!

Grungy Gretchen Flip-Thru

This is a flip-through of a recently completed journal of mine. I call it GG (grungy Gretchen), it is so far from my usual style but I enjoy...